

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Counseling Center services and resources.


The Counseling Center can help students with a wide array of concerns and mental health issues that are able to be helped by short-term brief psycho-educational and counseling interventions.

At present the Counseling Center does not have a psychiatrist on staff, 然而, our staff will help students find an area provider to prescribe and monitor medication if needed. 一些学生受益于或需要长期, 更专业的, 额外的, or complementary treatment such as topic-specific specific support groups such as eating disorder, 药物依赖, 或者创伤治疗, 嗜酒者互诫协会或其他互助团体, 门诊强化治疗, 和/或住院治疗. The Counseling Center staff will help students seek this kind of support when necessary.


We do not have a psychiatrist, affiliated with the Counseling Center, who is available to students. Students who need an evaluation for medication or medication management will be referred outside of the university.


No. We keep a list of practitioners in our geographic area who provide such testing and make referrals to them for students who want to be evaluated for these conditions.


你可以联系 残疾事务办公室 at 267-341-3231. They will answer any questions that you may have regarding ESAs on campus.

咨询服务 Policy Regarding Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

咨询工作人员 无法为情感支持动物提供文件. 咨询服务承认并理解安慰, 动物可以给很多人提供联系.  然而, while agreeing that many people benefit from having a relationship with an animal, the diagnosis of a disability and the establishing of the need for an Emotional Support Animal is a complex process. 它需要几次评估和可能的治疗.

存在, 强度, 以及各种症状的持续时间, 在生活功能的某些方面受损的程度, and an evaluation of how an ESA would help mitigate symptoms and improve functioning would be needed.  These assessments are not within the scope of practice at 咨询服务 and there are potential ethical and legal implications.

咨询服务 does 然而 provide students for the whole range of mental health services that can address symptoms which may underlie the desire for Emotional Support Animals.


No. Your educational record is separate from your Counseling Center treatment records. The Counseling Center maintains its own records for 7 years from point of discharge from services. 七年后,任何封闭的图表/磋商都被粉碎了. 只有咨询中心的工作人员才能看到你的档案. 你的记录只有在你签字后才能公布 临床信息发布授权书,或由法院下令.


咨询中心的服务是短期的和短暂的. Students who benefit from ongoing mental health care and who have already established a relationship with a Counselor cannot get equitable services at the center. These students should continue the level of care they are currently receiving which is helping them to succeed and stay mentally healthy. 

If a student feels that the counseling center offers a service for which they could benefit, 他们的提供商目前没有提供, please call the center and discuss if receiving the services as a complementary treatment would be appropriate.

通常, 这是无益的,甚至是令人气馁的, to receive similar services from two different treatment providers (e.g. 接受两名不同辅导员的个别辅导). 然而,免费服务有时是有帮助的.g. individual counseling with a Counselor and psychoeducation group with the counseling center).


No. 咨询中心是由学生生活资助的. Currently enrolled full-time students are eligible for counseling services at no financial cost as well as part-time students at the discretion of the director.


Information shared in the Counseling Center is confidential in accordance with Pennsylvania Law and professional ethics and standards. Communications between a Counselor and client/student are confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the Counseling Center without a student’s prior written consent. 你的保密特权有几个例外.


  •     If it is necessary to protect you or someone else from imminent danger;
  •     If it is suspected that abuse or neglect of a child (under 18) or an incapacitated adult is occurring;
  •     If it is one of the rare circumstances when a court of law orders the counseling center to release records.


If a student chooses to move forward with counseling they will be provided with an intake forms packet (containing the following 4 forms: Student Request for Services, Telepsychology同意, 同意, Rights and Responsibilities) to complete before they attend their session. 入会时间一般为45分钟. 在最初的评估阶段, the intake packet will be reviewed and 额外的 questions regarding students' concerns, 历史, 背景将会被讨论. The student’s goals related to seeking services will be identified and discussed. Generally, the initial intake assessment session is completed in one session. 然而,入学可能需要两个疗程.